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MOTH  and butterfly. Winged journeys that have survived the chaotic osmosis of having everything turn into a pool of what no longer works,  blanketed in a nourishing cocoon, and  then given an ornate set of wings to rise up, to rise above  it all. Over and over again, in us, all around us, that alchemical process that promises a redemption, a new start, a new perspective that opens up new realms of experience and existence. ""MOTH Transmutation"" artwork was created to illustrate that magnificent and terrifying evolutionary process. The artwork began in a pen and ink / black and white illustration which was designed to be silk screened. Next, the polarities of black and white are thrust into an expanded vision of watercolor, where they move into cards, prints and sticker art. The moth was created with a tabernacle core, as she holds her inner self as the sacred vessel retaining her her authentic nature. 
Imagery above : the doll ""Nuith Rasa"" created with canvas silkscreened with the ""Moth Transmutation"" artwork, hand painted face. Doll dresses created from fabric printed with imagery from""Plant Bee Medicine"" and ""Mycelium Portal"". Stacks of silkscreened t-shirts embracing the ceremony of handprinted artwork onto fabric, the merging of patience, intentional art and utilitarianism.  Photos taken at the Ballard Sunday Farmers Market, where the tshirts are sold at a Seattle street market.  Hand made coat lined with the ""Orphic Egg Bee"" artwork / tapestry.
Imagery above : ""Octo Portal"" design created from the painting imagery (click small pic at left) The favorite t-shirts of 2023  being a sage green and the yellow trimmed ringer tee. The sage green printed with navy, burgundy or black ink. The ringer t-shirt  printed with any design in red ink. ""Mushroom Bee" and ""Mushroom Fractal 2222"" artwork expressing both the intentional use of psychedelics and the nutritious immunity food properties of the mushroom. Mixed in are the beginning illustrative designs for future developing oracle and tarot card intentional artwork. Little girls love the t-shirts and will wear any size available!

Mushroom Fractal 2222
VI of Wands / VICTORY / tarot imagery
​Plant Bee Medicine / reduced
CHERI A ELLIS copyright 2015 / All Rights Reserved
Beginning design work for the Ace of  Wands
Peaking 3rd Eye Bee Goddess
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